This blog is a personal space for the English class.

I´ll show all my tasks of High School, and my own opinion about diferent themes like education, football, games...

dimarts, 28 de setembre del 2010

Uganda wildlife improved

Animal populations improved in Ugandan national parks

The number of animals in Uganda's national parks and game reserves has improved over the past decade, the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) say: The latest figures show that the population of some species has doubled since 1999. The forestry agent of Ugandan parks said that wildlife had benefited since the expulsion of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) from northern Uganda (group of army rebels), she added that the animals on endangered situations like buffalos, giraffes and elephants had improved too.

New statistics show that the population with the biggest increase is that of the Impala, an antelope. The number of Impala in Uganda has surged to more than 35,000, from 1,600 at the time of the last count in 1999. Hippopotamuses, waterbucks, and zebras are also on the increase.

Ms Nsbuga, the forestry agent explains that the most important part of this increase on population of wildlife is because of the cities around these areas are doing big effort to preserve these natural parks.


I think that this little country is doing the best. But I think that these revels don’t have to be expulsed, they‘ve to be arrested by ONU or one of these International organizations, like in Syria, all the world must arrest these groups.

The second point of this text is that all world needs these animals, to do actuations in circus or zoos. And for all the ecosystem, if an animal become exiting another animal can not eat, that’s a chain. The world have to be balanced with all types of plants, all the animals…

We’ve to help these natural parks, with contributions at Uganda, or with directly money to the naturals parks and reserves