This blog is a personal space for the English class.

I´ll show all my tasks of High School, and my own opinion about diferent themes like education, football, games...

dimarts, 3 de maig del 2011

Barcelona-Madrid match

This month three matches have been succed between Barceloona's team and Madrid team and tomorrow another will happpen.
First of all I'm going to explain why is this match so important. Barcelona and Madrid had been rivals from the first days of the Spain league. That's because Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and Madrid is the capital of Spain, as you know these two regions had been serveral times involuved in figths.
Tomorrow ,3 of March, Barcelona and Madrid will be face to face, like the other times.
The first match was concluded in drow. The second one was the final of the spanish Cup and Madrid beat Barcelona.
The third match Barcelona beat Madrid and the match was a semifinal of the European Cup, these final have two matches, one was that and the other will be tomorrow.
Madrid's coach, Mourinho, said that Barcelona have influence on the referees of the Cup and that's why Barcelona win the match, he said too that the las European Cup which Barcelona win wasn't clean.

Barcelona's representatives have said that Barcelona will report these insult to the European Cup to punsih Madrid