This blog is a personal space for the English class.

I´ll show all my tasks of High School, and my own opinion about diferent themes like education, football, games...

diumenge, 6 de març del 2011


Few weeks ago the Libya's dictator started a civil war between his faithful's and the rebels. Gaddafy the dictator doesn't want to leave Libya and the main part of population want it. The rebels have the second important city of Libya and they tried to eject the dictator, but Gaddafy with his faithful's, the main part of the army, are defending Tripoli, capital of Libya.
The ONU demands to Gaddafy to leave the power, they threaten Gaddafy with monetary sanctions, but he omit it and he tries to kill the rebels with terrest and air forces.
Rebels demand the military help of ONU, but the countries doesn't want to atac Gaddafy.

Today Gaddafy said to his population that his army had controled the main part of the country, but the rebels say just the opposite, that they are attacking cities controled by the faithul's of Gaddafy.