This blog is a personal space for the English class.

I´ll show all my tasks of High School, and my own opinion about diferent themes like education, football, games...

divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011

The ancient scandinavian trees

It was know that trees in scandinavia decend from same ancestors which came from south after the Ice Age. Recenly studies of DNA have discovered that there are two types of trees in Scandinavia. The ones that come from south and the new discovered ones that decend from conifers trees that survived last Ice Age. This discover challenges the traditional notions that all trees were killed off by the ice.
One hypothesis is that trees were able to survive on the top of nunataks, the exposed peaks of mountains protected from glacial cover, or in more sheltered areas close to the coast where proximity to the temperate conditions of the Atlantic Ocean favoured the survival of this ancient trees.

After that discover some experts searched and found near scandinavia the oldest tree in the world. This tree seems to be 10.000 years old and it's now holding the World Guinnes Record, it took it form a californian tree that have 4700 years old aproximately.

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


In my opinion this song talks about the reallity, nowaday we need to change this situation because of the finantial crisis.

I think that this new GPS will stop the continous relay on other countries and will give us the possibiltiy to evolv.

I dont think so guillem, this two parties are the only ones that are able to carry Spain, I think we need new young presidents from PSOE or PP but the party has to be big, if the party isn't big they won't be able to control Spain.

Harry Potter last film

Harry Potter and the deadly hallows Part 2

It was the last film I saw, it's the final film of Harry Potter's series, in that film Harry finally destroy his enemy Voldemort in the final Batlle. I saw it when I was in USA and in my opinion it is a bad translation of the book.
I had read the books and I think it's the worst film in relation of the book. The director invented lot of stuff of the film, it has nothinkg about the book.

First of all the final is not like in the film, Harry kept the all-powerful wand for himself, in the film he destroy it, that's impossible the wand is undestroyable... its a contradiction.
Others thinks are that the Voldemort's snake isn't killed like that, the snake in theory is in a magic ball and it didn't atack.
And finally and most important the dream of Harry in the white room with Dumbledore is completely diferent.

Strange Operation

-Hey dude what's going on?
-Great bro, well, waiting for my penius shortning operation.

-WTF? You're mad, but at least is a medical affair, isn't it?

-Yes, cause' it's hurting my ankle.

-Kidding? How many boxes are you gonna spend?

-Completely truth, 5000 boxes.

-Janna knows about it? She won't agree

-You know, 25 cm after the operation is not bad

-Are you going there today or tomorrow?

-Today at 6 PM

-Wow, is too soon, isn't it?

-Yes, but, OMG it's 4 PM, i gotta go. See ya

-Good luck!

White Collar

White Collar is one of my favorites series. It's about a thief (Neal Caffry) that has been cougth by the FBI, then he did a deal with the FBI to work with them to find other thiefs.

Neal Caffry is a strange and refined man with odd likes, he has a friend Mossy that is a thieff. Neal has two lifes, one helping the FBI and the other founding his exgirlfriend or treasures.
Neal is controlled by Peter Burke the agent of the FBI that cougth him, in the lasts episodes of 1st season they finally become friends, but Neal still not let Peter know his secrets.

In my opinion is a non-convencional serie about thieffs and cops and this stuff, this serie let us imagin about the life of usual thieffs.
Others series that I like are Chuck and Game of Thrones

Barça- Zaragosa/ Madrid -Valencia

Yesterday F.C.Barcelona played vs Zaragosa.
Barcelona own the game quite easy from the begining to the end, they won 4-0 with one goal of Messi, Villa, Puyol and Piqué.

As usually Barça played very well with his style, to moving the ball and don't let Zaragosa play. Messi arrived from Argentina one day before the match, he was very tired but he played withoutstanding his fatigue. Albes traveled from Brasil to Spain and he was tired too.

The other important team of Spain played too, yesterday at 10.00, Madrid won 3-2 suffering because Valencia pushed very hard.

In my opinon Madrid won because of a fail of Valencia's goalkeeper (3-1)

In conclusion I think Barcelona will win next month Madrid because nowadays they are weaker than Barça.

Hypersonic weapons

Pentagon tests long-range hypersonic weapon


The US has test-fired a new weapon which can travel at five times the speed of sound, the Pentagon says.

The missile was launched from Hawaii and reached its target on a Pacific atoll 2,300 miles (3,700km) away in less than half an hour.The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon is part of a programme to build new high-speed long-range missiles.Its aim is to allow the US military to strike targets anywhere in the world within an hour.A statement from the Pentagon said the weapon had been launched using a three-stage booster system, which had successfully sent it into the upper atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean.It reached hypersonic speeds before hitting its target on Kwajalein atoll, part of the Marshall Islands.


I think that's a way to create new weapons without alarming the world, because of the problems to create nuclear weapons the USA is creating weapons with lot of range and speed.

These hypersonic weapons are the new missiles for the 3rd world war. ONU is managing all the military nuclear resources and the United States are avoiding this control with this weapons


My dreams

When I was young I used to have a dream. I wanted to be a firefighter but I grew up and my mind changed, then I decided to be a physician.

First of all I wanted to study physics in the University of Harvard. I got this dream until I reached my last school of high school, that year I went to Canada to improve my English. When I went there, they said a thing that stunned me, to study at an American University if you are foreign you need to get an 80/120 in the TOEFL exams, and to study at Harvard you must get more than 105/120.

Then I decided to change my dream, because it’s so hard to pass TOEFL, harder with a good mark.

I decided to study physics, but in Barcelona.

I’m in last year of non-obligatory high school so next year I’ll go at university. That’s why actually I need new dreams to think about.

Well, I have one, that will happens when I’ll elderly I want a rural house on the top of a mountain, alone in Alaska.


Oral presentation

Well because of problems uploading videos in blogger I link this webside :

Self Evaluation:

First of all I'd like to say that I hate to evaluate myself.
I think I was very nervous while the presentation, as in the others oral presentations my hands were shaking and that produced more nervous.
In my point of view I did it quite well and I hope teacher give me a good mark

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011

Neutrinos faster than the light?

I'm going to comment this new:

Well last September CERN scientists did and experiment about speed of particles. They concluded that neutrinos may travel faster than the ligth, that produced a that lots of physics critizice the Organization.
CERN because of the important of the discovery and the critics they decided to repeat the the experiment few days ago.

Well first of all I'd like to say that if that's true that will cause lot of problems for the modern physics, scientists said that it will produce some strange thinks in the theoric world we live, such as opportunitis to go to the futurem, new universes, all this stuff.
New technologies will be discovered in the new ages if this conclusion is correct.