This blog is a personal space for the English class.

I´ll show all my tasks of High School, and my own opinion about diferent themes like education, football, games...

diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012

Final reflection

1-My English progress from 2010-2012

Well, thats my last post so I'm going to be very explicit about what I want to say.
Diferences between my first post and my last? Someones but mainly due to my own practice of English. I realy think that I have learn nothing important in my school. All thinks I've learnt this years aren't because of my English lessons at school. But, of course I've learnt some vocabulary, it'll be odd if not, because:
two years x nine month each school year x four weeks per month x three hours a week = 216 hours in total
It would be very strange if I haven't learn any vocabulary these hours.
I have to say that one think has changed, over these two years I become more borred about bloggs, as you know, in my opinion they are quite useless. Two years ago I was borred of bloggs, but now I'm even more borred. So in 2012 I did litle effort to do my blogg, now I do less effort and less desire to do bloggs and posts.
About, my oral presentations I think I did the same on both, I was quite nervous because I hate doing orals and stuff like that, but as I see the matter I can't realy diference them, because how I did the orals mostly depends on the topic so I can't realy judge them.

2-My English competence in 2012

I'd chose as better oral :
and as better writing post:

Oviously I chose the last oral I did because is the one that in my opinion reflects better, not completely, but better how is my English rigth now. It's my best work because it's the last.
About the writing post, in my opinion it's not the best with vocabulary and the structure, but it's easy to understand my idea, and I think that idea reflects how I'm currently. This post explains things without strange vocabulary and words, explain the truth and as I see that't the main important think a post should do.

3-My reflection.

This is a part that it's not needed but I was wandering to do it, I think this part is the most important of this reflection, because it reflects my opinion and that's what my teachers are asking for, isn't it?

Well, first of all I'd like to say that these two years I've almost done are the worst experience I had about useless things in my entire life. I realized that bloggs are, if you allow me to say, stupid web pages. Their use the worst think that English could do in the history, bloggs are unable to let people learn english. I 've said that milions of times, bloggs are not a good way to learn English, better are the worst way, because you dont learn.
All this trashtalking about bloggs are trues, in my opinion, these last three words are important because other people can have other opinions about the same topic, and if you don't mind I'd say that I'd like to respect and understand these opinions. I will try, I promise, but nowadays it's qute difficult for me. Now time to blame be because of I'm narrow-minded (UOOO a word that could have learnt these years, but no it's not, I already knew it when I did the topic in class)

So, I'd like to sum up this entire blogg by just some words. Bloggs worst item to learn English, the education system that defend bloggs the worst it could exist. Of course all this, it's my opinion, the opinion of a kid of 17 years old so nevermind
Lastly I'd like to ask for a thing to my classmates. DELTE YOUR BLOGGS as soon as you can.


The hunger games

Few days ago I read the trilogy of The hunger games, a series of book created by Suzanne Collins. I saw the trailer of the film and it seemed to me it was a good one. Then a friend told me that there was a book of this film, so I decided to read it. In total, three books so I was wandering to read them, on our  Saint George's day it's a holyday here in Catalonia and it's famous because of giving books and roses. So I bougth all the books and I read them in a record time. Then I saw the film.

The argument of the books is quite good, a girl that is forced to go to the olympic games of hunger, in a destroyed world. There, 24 people have to figth for their lifes.
In my opinion is a good trilogy, because it shows how to live in a bad world  with hunger, fear ... Moreover, the scene that the books represent is not far from the reality, maybe one day the humanity will be like that.
To sum up, I'd like to recomend this book to the people that like reading.

Urban dictionary

When you dont understand a word, when it's an acronym or whenever, this dictionary is fabulous. It's is not a common dictionary, its and odd one. It's a dictionary of urban slang, it's not formal it is completely informal, the dictionary give you the definiton of a word or an acronym that it's usually used oraly.

I'm used to go there, due to I usually find words in english, strange ones that I don't know when I'm playing. Moreover, this dictionary could help people that want to learn the urban english, I noticed is mostly used in America. It has been until I get used to it  one of the web pages that are on my favourite list of webs.

I think most of the urban slang is there, to the most common to the most strange I ever saw. For example: asap, as soon as possible; afaik, as far as I know; imo, In my opinion... there are tones of this kind of words.
So check it out, I hope it'll be useful for you

Grooveshark and Spotify

I was used to listen to music on my computer on a player called Spotify last year, but the company decided to make it private, so you should bougth a premium account and pay of course or you just can hear few hours per week.
At that time I decided to change of music player, I searched over the Internet to find a good one and I found one, Grooveshark
I think most people that weren't wandering to pay did the same, they just get another music player, so Spotify lost quite a bit of clients.
Now I realized that Grooveshark is better even thougth it's free, so I think that this company will be important in a close future. In my opinion, these companies are a good way to earn money, because each one has his own   comercials and people get a big benefit of those computer music players.

Song of Ice and FIre

Song of Ice and Fire is a recopilation of books that nowadays has become very succesful. Currently, there are just five books on the market but it's spected that there will be to more. The author, George R.R Martin, is becoming popular these days because of the release of the fifth book few months ago in English and in Catalan three days ago, before than in Spanish. Moreover the firsts books of the saga are beeing converted in a serie, that is making a huge impression onto the world.

I think the series is not as good as the book, and most people think the series is the important stuff and not the book. Martin's books are amazing, as I said better than the series. So I'd like to recommend that before watching the series just read the books because they are better in all possible ways.
But if you prefer the series because it is on TV, you can watch it, and you hate reading. You don't deserve to continue reading this, please, get out of my blogg !!!!

dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012

Scientists found the oldest Mayan calendar

Some archaeologists working at the Xultun ruins of the Mayan civilisation have reported stuning finds, like the oldest known Mayan astronomical tables. They discovered an strange building that wasn't made on Mayan's way. Usually, when Mayan renovated a building they broke the roof and build on the brash. but this strange edification was diferent. When they renovated it they built directly on the roof.
Then some archaeologists found the oldest Mayan astronmical calendar, there they found that this 2012 it wasn't suposed to happen anything, but into 7.000 years yes. This is due to the system Mayan's use to calculate, they used base-18 and base-20

I think, this is and important discover, most people belive that 2012 was the year of the change of Earth. But, Mayans calculated that in 7.000 years the sun will create an energy beam and will change how the Earth works. So, I'd like to know if in 7.000 people will become crazy like someones are becoming these days, you will understand this if you have whatched 30-minuts the other day.

divendres, 11 de maig del 2012

The humans rigths in Xina

Nowadays, there's lots of violations of human rights. For example in China there is not feedom of speach.
In China, people are not able to say what they want because the govenment don't let people say his opinion, the opinion of people can create discontentment and a rebelion.

But in my opinion I think that any culture is not allowed to judge other cultures because each one has his own rules and his own lifestyle. Moreover I think that the human rigths can't be applied on every single human, because each one has their own way to live the life.
Altougth, in Xina people is going to the streats to critize the goverment, that means that the Xina's goverment is not representative of their people.

divendres, 4 de maig del 2012

New Materials and artifical muscles

Scientists at Bristol university are developing new materials to mimic animals with artificial muscles, such as the squid. This muscles will be applied on soft robots and soft devices.
All this muscles are based on animals that are able to change their colours.
To mimic these natural mechanisms, the team used "smart" electro-active polymeric materials, connected to an electric circuit.

In my opinion, these new muscles and materials will help the mankind to evolve. Nowadays most inventions are focused on the evolution of the life quality of humans. That will make us live longer, and that's a problem. There is more than seven thousand milion people on the Earth and this planet cannot hold much more people. We need those new inventions but we better need more reasearch on seek new forms to get resources because, here on the Earth they are going to be exhausted.