This blog is a personal space for the English class.

I´ll show all my tasks of High School, and my own opinion about diferent themes like education, football, games...

divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011

The ancient scandinavian trees

It was know that trees in scandinavia decend from same ancestors which came from south after the Ice Age. Recenly studies of DNA have discovered that there are two types of trees in Scandinavia. The ones that come from south and the new discovered ones that decend from conifers trees that survived last Ice Age. This discover challenges the traditional notions that all trees were killed off by the ice.
One hypothesis is that trees were able to survive on the top of nunataks, the exposed peaks of mountains protected from glacial cover, or in more sheltered areas close to the coast where proximity to the temperate conditions of the Atlantic Ocean favoured the survival of this ancient trees.

After that discover some experts searched and found near scandinavia the oldest tree in the world. This tree seems to be 10.000 years old and it's now holding the World Guinnes Record, it took it form a californian tree that have 4700 years old aproximately.

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


In my opinion this song talks about the reallity, nowaday we need to change this situation because of the finantial crisis.

I think that this new GPS will stop the continous relay on other countries and will give us the possibiltiy to evolv.

I dont think so guillem, this two parties are the only ones that are able to carry Spain, I think we need new young presidents from PSOE or PP but the party has to be big, if the party isn't big they won't be able to control Spain.

Harry Potter last film

Harry Potter and the deadly hallows Part 2

It was the last film I saw, it's the final film of Harry Potter's series, in that film Harry finally destroy his enemy Voldemort in the final Batlle. I saw it when I was in USA and in my opinion it is a bad translation of the book.
I had read the books and I think it's the worst film in relation of the book. The director invented lot of stuff of the film, it has nothinkg about the book.

First of all the final is not like in the film, Harry kept the all-powerful wand for himself, in the film he destroy it, that's impossible the wand is undestroyable... its a contradiction.
Others thinks are that the Voldemort's snake isn't killed like that, the snake in theory is in a magic ball and it didn't atack.
And finally and most important the dream of Harry in the white room with Dumbledore is completely diferent.

Strange Operation

-Hey dude what's going on?
-Great bro, well, waiting for my penius shortning operation.

-WTF? You're mad, but at least is a medical affair, isn't it?

-Yes, cause' it's hurting my ankle.

-Kidding? How many boxes are you gonna spend?

-Completely truth, 5000 boxes.

-Janna knows about it? She won't agree

-You know, 25 cm after the operation is not bad

-Are you going there today or tomorrow?

-Today at 6 PM

-Wow, is too soon, isn't it?

-Yes, but, OMG it's 4 PM, i gotta go. See ya

-Good luck!

White Collar

White Collar is one of my favorites series. It's about a thief (Neal Caffry) that has been cougth by the FBI, then he did a deal with the FBI to work with them to find other thiefs.

Neal Caffry is a strange and refined man with odd likes, he has a friend Mossy that is a thieff. Neal has two lifes, one helping the FBI and the other founding his exgirlfriend or treasures.
Neal is controlled by Peter Burke the agent of the FBI that cougth him, in the lasts episodes of 1st season they finally become friends, but Neal still not let Peter know his secrets.

In my opinion is a non-convencional serie about thieffs and cops and this stuff, this serie let us imagin about the life of usual thieffs.
Others series that I like are Chuck and Game of Thrones

Barça- Zaragosa/ Madrid -Valencia

Yesterday F.C.Barcelona played vs Zaragosa.
Barcelona own the game quite easy from the begining to the end, they won 4-0 with one goal of Messi, Villa, Puyol and Piqué.

As usually Barça played very well with his style, to moving the ball and don't let Zaragosa play. Messi arrived from Argentina one day before the match, he was very tired but he played withoutstanding his fatigue. Albes traveled from Brasil to Spain and he was tired too.

The other important team of Spain played too, yesterday at 10.00, Madrid won 3-2 suffering because Valencia pushed very hard.

In my opinon Madrid won because of a fail of Valencia's goalkeeper (3-1)

In conclusion I think Barcelona will win next month Madrid because nowadays they are weaker than Barça.

Hypersonic weapons

Pentagon tests long-range hypersonic weapon


The US has test-fired a new weapon which can travel at five times the speed of sound, the Pentagon says.

The missile was launched from Hawaii and reached its target on a Pacific atoll 2,300 miles (3,700km) away in less than half an hour.The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon is part of a programme to build new high-speed long-range missiles.Its aim is to allow the US military to strike targets anywhere in the world within an hour.A statement from the Pentagon said the weapon had been launched using a three-stage booster system, which had successfully sent it into the upper atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean.It reached hypersonic speeds before hitting its target on Kwajalein atoll, part of the Marshall Islands.


I think that's a way to create new weapons without alarming the world, because of the problems to create nuclear weapons the USA is creating weapons with lot of range and speed.

These hypersonic weapons are the new missiles for the 3rd world war. ONU is managing all the military nuclear resources and the United States are avoiding this control with this weapons


My dreams

When I was young I used to have a dream. I wanted to be a firefighter but I grew up and my mind changed, then I decided to be a physician.

First of all I wanted to study physics in the University of Harvard. I got this dream until I reached my last school of high school, that year I went to Canada to improve my English. When I went there, they said a thing that stunned me, to study at an American University if you are foreign you need to get an 80/120 in the TOEFL exams, and to study at Harvard you must get more than 105/120.

Then I decided to change my dream, because it’s so hard to pass TOEFL, harder with a good mark.

I decided to study physics, but in Barcelona.

I’m in last year of non-obligatory high school so next year I’ll go at university. That’s why actually I need new dreams to think about.

Well, I have one, that will happens when I’ll elderly I want a rural house on the top of a mountain, alone in Alaska.


Oral presentation

Well because of problems uploading videos in blogger I link this webside :

Self Evaluation:

First of all I'd like to say that I hate to evaluate myself.
I think I was very nervous while the presentation, as in the others oral presentations my hands were shaking and that produced more nervous.
In my point of view I did it quite well and I hope teacher give me a good mark

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011

Neutrinos faster than the light?

I'm going to comment this new:

Well last September CERN scientists did and experiment about speed of particles. They concluded that neutrinos may travel faster than the ligth, that produced a that lots of physics critizice the Organization.
CERN because of the important of the discovery and the critics they decided to repeat the the experiment few days ago.

Well first of all I'd like to say that if that's true that will cause lot of problems for the modern physics, scientists said that it will produce some strange thinks in the theoric world we live, such as opportunitis to go to the futurem, new universes, all this stuff.
New technologies will be discovered in the new ages if this conclusion is correct.

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2011

France teacher sets herself on fire

I'm going to comment the new of this ip:

Summerize: A math teacher sets herself on fire, students and parents said that last days she was very aggressive and hostil with some of them. Last Wednesday parents and the teacher did a meeting and it seems that she was very nervous and hostil.

I think this teacher need psycology aid, it cannot be possible that a secondary school teacher set fire to himself because she was very fragile or angry. She needs to contol herself, at least education controlers must have controlled that, a discontrolled teacher is a bad person to educate childs.

French education must control his teachers, make a psycology test or something like that.
To sum up I would like to say that this is not a fail of the teacher it's a fail of French education system.

Same blogg 2on bat and 1st bat

I've used this blogg for 1st bat, now I'm going to use it for 2on Bat.
All nexts posts will be for my 2on bat note.

dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011

Final Reflection

Observing your SPACE, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2009? Where, for example?
With this blog, sincerelly I haven't improved. As I said last post, I think that blog is an useless item to learn english.
Which activity best shows your level of English?
The exams shows my level in English I think.
Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve
your English? Why?

The most useful activities are: Oral Presentations, the theory in class and the speaking. Because I think that the most important part of learning English is to speak.
Which activities did you not find useful to learn English?
Why not?

As I said the blog is the worst activity to learn English and the Podcast too. The podcast isn't useful because what you said is written down, you just read it.
Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do
again next year?

The speaking area and the reading area are important to imporve English, of course if you speak it there.
The Oral presentations are important, I don't like to do them but I know that they are so important

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011


In my opinion Avatar, directed by James Cameron, is a brilliant movie.

The move explains the history of an American invasion to another planet, Pandora. American army try to invade the planet to have in his own a odd mineral that is only in the planet. But the natives, Na'vi tried to stop these acts.

The main caracther does a track suit to camuflate in the native tribes to explain why they are doing that and explain that if a Na'vi tries to stop these, they will kill him. The protagonist falls in love with one Na'vi, and he revealed against the American army. Then the general of the army decide to kill all the Na'vi.

Well, I'm not going to explain more because if you haven't seen it yet you'll be disappointed. The film got a fantastic expectation because it was the first 3D film in the history of cinema.

My opinion about bloggs.

I'm completely in disagree with the policy of bloggs.

Each final term I do the same thing, I expose my opinion about the bloggs and I try to convence the teachers to leave bloggs.
In my opinion a blogg doesn't help students to learn more, a blog just keep bussy the student and that produces stress.

A blog is a bad weapon to study english because, in my opinion, most of students use traductors or texts that are online, they just copy and post, teachers couldn't control it and students in my opinion don't learn.

That's why I'm in disagree about the blogs, they are useless items.

Pere Gironella

A new law in Italy

The goverment of Italy is going to aprove a law that's going to forbid ugly, fat and anorexic womans that sunbathe in the beach.

This law is trying to be aproved because of the lot of this type of woman in the beach.
I can't opine of that theme in Italy because I don't live there but if Spain does that I'd be in disagree. Because it's ilogical with one of the humans rigths, freedom of speach.

In Spain, an European contry, its unacceptable

That's my opinion

Our country should not have an army. Do you agree?

I think that the goverments don't have to elimate the army. THe army is an important group of people taht could save our life while they are sacrificing themselves.
And what will happen if another country attacks us?
They army of other countries would exterminate us if we don't have an army.
These are the reasons why we are using an army.
Then, another example:
Afew months ago, the people that control the airports, went on strike, in the middle of the Easter Hollydays. Then the army appeared and solved the prolem.
In conclusion, I'm in favor of this opinion. The reasons yo eliminate the army are less strong than the resaon to preserve it.

Informal letter

Dear Kieron

I've been very bussy with high school. I'm so sorry I couldn't write before, now I'm going to explain you a few things about my coutry.
First of all, I invite yo to come here on Easter Holydays

I think that you will like it, it's a great place. You'll have lots of things to do. Empuriabrava is a part of Castello, it's a beautifull place by the sea.
Lots of people of your country come here every year.
You can see Castello's cathedral, the " Aiguamolls" or more things.
In resume is a beautiful place.
I'll write yo you soon and if you decides to come let me know, we'll meet

Take care


Because of problems with the format of the podcast we decided to upload it in youtube.
Please click on the following webpage:‏

Oral Presentation: Nuclear Power Plants

dimarts, 10 de maig del 2011

Barcelona's going Wembley

The last Saturday of May Barça and Man.United will be face to face on Wembley.
Finally Barcelona team beated Madrid with lots of polemics. Manchester beated Shalcke 04 easily with the score of 4-1.
Wembley have changed until the last final of Barça. Wembley have been restaured, but it also have the base of the old Wembley.
Barcelona had won the Champions this Saturday.
Now Barcelona have four Champions in his own.
Barcelona's fans had celebred that two days after the match. Barcelona did a tour around the city of Barcelona and they finally arrived in the Camp Nou, where they did a speach to all the public that was there.
Madrid's fans said that these were unacceptable, they said that they must stayed there, not Barcelona.
In my opinion Madrid's fans have to shut up, they are bad losers

dimarts, 3 de maig del 2011

Barcelona-Madrid match

This month three matches have been succed between Barceloona's team and Madrid team and tomorrow another will happpen.
First of all I'm going to explain why is this match so important. Barcelona and Madrid had been rivals from the first days of the Spain league. That's because Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and Madrid is the capital of Spain, as you know these two regions had been serveral times involuved in figths.
Tomorrow ,3 of March, Barcelona and Madrid will be face to face, like the other times.
The first match was concluded in drow. The second one was the final of the spanish Cup and Madrid beat Barcelona.
The third match Barcelona beat Madrid and the match was a semifinal of the European Cup, these final have two matches, one was that and the other will be tomorrow.
Madrid's coach, Mourinho, said that Barcelona have influence on the referees of the Cup and that's why Barcelona win the match, he said too that the las European Cup which Barcelona win wasn't clean.

Barcelona's representatives have said that Barcelona will report these insult to the European Cup to punsih Madrid

diumenge, 6 de març del 2011

FOX Entertainment

The Fox Entertainment Group is an American entertainment industries company.The Fox Entertainment Group was formed in the 1990s after the purchase of the Metromedia-owned Independent stations by the 20th Century Films film studio, at the time jointly owned by Australian media mogul Ruper Murdoch's News Corporation, and Denver billionaire Marvin Davis. It is named after William Fox, born Wilhelm Fried, who created the original Fox Film Corporation.

Play Station 3

Last year Sony, an important technology company, made the most important console ever.
This console had appeared on the top of the lists, Sony had sold more than ten millions of this consoles. Sony won lots of money selling this console.
In EUA more than 40% of childs have a PS3. Then other companies had created consoles like PS3, like the new XBOX or others.
In one year appeared more PS games than in others consoles which had lived more years.

Bruce Springsteen

Now I want to speak about the best singer in the world for me: Bruce Springsteen.
This man stared to sing when he was 13 and now is one of the most famous singers in the world. With songs like Streets of Philadelphia, Born in USA and more. He was in the top ten musicians. He is the fan number one of Elvis Presley. He's known like THE BOSS

He always had made Rock music but in the last album he start to sang in a country style. Here I put the letters of one song:

Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
'Til you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A
Born in the U.S.A.
I got in a little hometown jam
And so they put a rifle in my hands
Sent me off to Vietnam
To go and kill the yellow man
Come back home to the refinery
Hiring man says "Son if it was up to me"
I go down to see the V.A. man
He said "Son don't you understand"
I had a buddy at Khe Sahn
Fighting off the Viet Cong
They're still there, he's all gone
He had a little girl in Saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms
Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
Out by the gas fires of the refinery
I'm ten years down the road
Nowhere to run, ain't got nowhere to go
I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
I'm a cool rocking Daddy in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.

White week

Last year the Generality of Catalonia had changed the school calendar system. We started a week before but we had a week off in March.
Then when the Generality changed of hands, the goverment decided that next year we will start a week before but we won't do a week off in March.
Specialists said that they do that because of the bad notes of Catalan students.
Parents first of all were annoying about the week off in March, because they couldn't stay at home taking care of their sons.
In my opinion they do it for teachers work more.
Finally I think that these are stupid things, if they want to improve the education they have to do other things
These things won't become childs more intelligent, for example they could improve the education with more agenda or more themes.


Few weeks ago the Libya's dictator started a civil war between his faithful's and the rebels. Gaddafy the dictator doesn't want to leave Libya and the main part of population want it. The rebels have the second important city of Libya and they tried to eject the dictator, but Gaddafy with his faithful's, the main part of the army, are defending Tripoli, capital of Libya.
The ONU demands to Gaddafy to leave the power, they threaten Gaddafy with monetary sanctions, but he omit it and he tries to kill the rebels with terrest and air forces.
Rebels demand the military help of ONU, but the countries doesn't want to atac Gaddafy.

Today Gaddafy said to his population that his army had controled the main part of the country, but the rebels say just the opposite, that they are attacking cities controled by the faithul's of Gaddafy.

The mechanic

Few days ago I went to the cinema to saw The mechanic.
It's plot it's strange, It's a profesional murderer who does "works" from one company. One day the company give him a work, he has to kill his best friend. If he doesn't do that, another, will kill his friend. Finally he decided to kill him. When he killed his friend, the son's friend, ask to him to help he to venge the death of his father. The boy doesn't know that he was the killer.
He accepted to help the boy, he train him with weapons, strategies, all..
Finally they decided to kill the boss from the company. When they finally killed the boss, the young man discobered by a gun, his father's gun, that his trainer had killed his father.
The boy tried to kill the mechanic but he couldn't. He thinks that he had killed him but when he returned to his house, when he get into the car, its explodes and he dies.

dijous, 3 de març del 2011

The description of Lionel Messi

Leo Messi is a 23-year-old football player; he's the best football player ever,
He was born in Rosario, Argentina in 1987. He started to play football at the
age of five.
He's 1.69 meters tall, he's thin and small because when he was young he had
an illness and he couldn't grow like other children, but he's very fast
(faster than other players).
Messi is a competitive person who likes to win all the trophies but he is very
modest too, he isn't like other players who only want to score. He's a
hard-working person who trained a lot when he was young, but of course he
has a natural talent too. He's mentally and emotionally strong because he has
to withstand high pressure
The other Barcelona's football players say that he's an ordinary man who
likes to laugh and play games.

A letter to our headmistress

Ies Castelló d'Empúries
Castelló d'Empúries
19th February 2011

Pere Gironella
Castelló d'Empúries

Dear headmistress,

I am writing to tell tou how the school is.
The school has to improve.
First of all there is a deficient luch school system. The building is so sad, there is no color. It looks like a prison, with a watch tower...
There is too the education system, in one word, BAD. I know that you can't do anything but I would like to let you know that the students know it and we are not very happy with it.
Finally has you can see and the students too the WC is disgusting.
I would be grateful if you could change these things. With your position I think that it will not be difficult.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfuly

Pere Gironella

Oral Presentation

Hello I’m Pere and I’m going to talk about Canada.
Canada is a country situated on the north of America between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, at the nord it has Polar circle and at the south it has EUA

European browsers arrived on 1497, when Italian seafarer Giovanni Caboto explored Canada's Atlantic coast for England. Between 1498 and 1521, Basque and Portuguese mariners established seasonal whaling and fishing outposts. French explorer Samuel de Champlain arrived in 1603 and established the first permanent European settlements at Port Royal . Years after started wars to control de north of Canada
The English established fishing outposts in Newfoundland around 1610 and established. Four intercolonial wars happened between English and French settles, finally in two treaties French will give to English people Canada and a part of New France at one thousand sixty trhee1763
At 1849 Canada take de independence of UK by the treaty of Oregon with the American help, this happened after a 100 hundred years of argues between Canada and England
Canada is separated in two parts, French part (Ontario and Quebec) or lower Canada and English part or upper Canada. In these parts they speak French and English respectly.
Canada can be divided in 10 provinces and three territories .

Canada is one of the biggest countries in the world that’s why Canada has different biomes or climates like Tundra, Boreal forest, Mixed forest, Broadleaf Forest and Rocky mountains
The most famous and specials animals of Canada are:
- the Polar bear ( who lives on the tundra or the boreal zones, polar circle).
-The reindeer (lives in zones like boreal forests or mixed forests, they could weight more than three hundred kilo’s and 2 meters long)
-The artic hare (the white rabbit, which lives on tundra)
-The red fox (these animal is a dangerous situation because his skin is valued around the world, lives in the low part of Rocky Mountains and on the broadleaf forests
And finally the American Bison is an animal who lives on the tundra or boreal forests; he’s one of the biggest animals of Canada
The main part of the animals is mammals because of the cold and snow they’ve to resist the cold.

IN the two different parts, and the food obviously is different,
On the French part the food is like French cuisine but with ingredients of other countries, because of the colonization these food have parts of Russian, Italian and Germany … The base is the French cuisine and these part is more like Europe than the other.
The English part because of the nealry to EUA has parts of American cuisine. The main ingredient of this cuisine how you know is the meat, they uses meat in each plate. There are like in EUA a lot of fast foods, but the population doesn’t have the same overweight than in EUA
Vancouver a city in Canada had celebrated last year the Olympic Winter Games, because of the snow, Canada is the perfect place to do snow or ski, Canada has a lot of important snowboarders and skiers like Eric Gruay
The Canadian football is much extended in Canada, there are a lot of teams and they play in the American league. In my opinion, but they are not very good.
Finally the main sport of the country is the ice hockey, Canadian team had won several times the Olympic games of ice hockey, and they are really good

If you have any question?